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About Us

Reliable Laundry Service

Since opening our doors, we’ve been committed to providing a service driven by aloha, paying particular attention to working efficiently and ecologically while still taking the time to "talk story" and get to know our clients.

Our mission at Big Island Laundry is simple: to provide a needed service and to mālama our community and our neighbors.

For more information or general inquiries, feel free to get in touch today.

Maholo Nui Loa

"Lulua'ina" - What Does It Mean?

  The name Lulua’ina has very special meanings for our ohana. It means “freckles” in Hawaiian, but for us, it symbolizes beauty that is overlooked or taken for granted.  In fact, in the old Polynesian roots, lulua refers to “pure flowers” and ina means to vary in color, shape and texture. This reminds me of the saying “stop and smell the roses“.

  My wife used to be self-conscious about her freckles. I, however, think they are one her many attractive features that make her beautiful and special. Kama’aina (local residents of Hawai’i) know that these islands are special. But occasionally, we forget about some of the little things that make these islands so beautiful and special. 

  We are thankful to have reminders in the form of respectful tourists who visit with eyes of wonder and amazement. So to express our aloha and say mahalo to our visitors, we named our company Lulua’ina. 

  We provide services to mālama, or take care of, the little things for you while you enjoy your stay with us. 

We have professional  photography services to capture the little moments. And we have gift sales so that you can share your aloha with friends and family.

"Ua ma uke ea o ka ‘āina I ka pono."

"The life of the land is preserved in righteousness."

By expressing our aloha we preserve our culture and land.

'Ōlelo No‘eau - Hawaiian Proverb

Folded Towels

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